Frivillige organisationers rolle i demokratiet

Frivillige organisationers rolle i demokratiet

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Med oplægsholdere fra Danmark, Rusland og de baltiske lande inviterer Foreningen Norden til konference. Fokus er de frivillige organisationers og NGO’ers rolle i den daglige kamp for at fastholde og udvikle demokratiet.

Norden demokratikonference 440

Københavns Universitet (KU) og Foreningen NORDEN er værter på konferencen ‘Democracy, Freedom of speech and Freedom of Association’, som afholdes som en del af de aktiviteter, der bliver gennemført i forbindelse med den danske regerings formandskab for Nordisk Ministerråd 2015.
Konferencen foregår på engelsk.

Demokratiets to spor
I invitationen skriver arrangørerne blandt andet:“This conference focuses on the role of voluntary organizations or NGOs in the day-to-day struggle for consolidating, maintaining, and perfecting democracy. The democratic process has two tracks:
One track is the formal track of elections, deliberation and decision-making by parliament and government, and implementation by the executive branch.
The other track is the informal track in which members of civil society seek to check and influence political leaders, parliamentarians, and executives through what Immanuel Kant called “the public use of reason.”
The aim of the conference is to analyze and discuss the possibilities, challenges, and limitations of the informal track of the democratic process.”

Mere end én model?
Derudover behandler konferencen også spørgsmålene:
• How and to what extent can different countries learn from each other’s experiences regarding the role of NGOs in democracy?
• Are there one ideal model of democracy that fits all contexts, or must democracy be adjusted to differences of culture?
• Which challenges do globalization and migration pose for our democratic culture?


  • Mr. Christian Rostbøll,  professor Københavns Universitet Christian RostbøllMr. Henrik Wilén, secretary general of The Norden Association  2881-Henrik.thumbnail
  • Mrs. Rasma Pipike, Foundation for Public Participation, Letland  Rasma
  • Mrs. Darja Akhutina,g eneralsekretær, Association for Cooperation with Baltic Sea countries (NORDEN),
  • Mrs. Merle Haruoja, Estlands Institut for Menneskerettigheder Merle
  • Mrs. Regina Sabaliauskiene, direktør for Center for Innovativ Uddannelse, Litauen  ReginaS
  • Dr. Segey  Subarov,  FN forbundet, Rusland Sudakow
  • Jens Nytoft Rasmusse,n Senior Advisor, Nordic Council of Ministers

Moderator:  Brita Kvist Hansen,  Journalist, Danmarks Radio

Tid: Fredag den 13. november kl. 12.15 – 18.00

Sted: Københavns Universitet, Gammeltoftgade 15, 1355 København K, Auditorium 35.01.06

Deltagergebyr: GRATIS

Tilmeldingsfrist: 10. november 2015

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