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Kan vi undervise i kreativitet og innovation. Det er et af de vigtigste spørgsmål for undervisning i dag. Hvordan bruger vi de nordiske kompetencer – uden at miste dem?
Nordisk Netværk for Voksnes Læring (NVL) indbyder til webinar
mandag den 13. februar, kl. 13-14. Der er fri adgang via nettet til
seminaret, hvor man også har mulighed for at deltage med spørgsmål
og indlæg.
Webinaret foregår på engelsk. Arrangørerne præsenterer seminaret
Can we teach creativity and innovation? That is one of the most
important questions in education today. Globalisation means that we
have to be creative and innovative.
The Nordic welfare societies have a long tradition of cooperation
and involvement in all aspects of life: work, education and
When we then globally talk about user driven innovation these
practices and values should bring us in front.
But how do we utilize these Nordic "competencies" without loosing
them? Understanding the relationship between creativity, innovation
and learning is important - and this presentation will highlight
this relationship and then discuss following aspects:
• From Communities of Practice to Communities of
• The relationship between practicing in depth and learning
• How do we maintain stability in a living curriculum?
• The creative individual and the creative collective?
The webinars are free of charge.