Webinar om realkompetencer og kvalifikationsrammer

Webinar om realkompetencer og kvalifikationsrammer

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Den 20. oktober er der mulighed for at høre et foredrag af – og diskutere med – en af Europas førende eksperter i realkompetence og kvalifikationsrammer. Man behøver oven i købet ikke rejse sig fra sin arbejdsplads foran computeren.

Michel Feutrie
Michel Feutrie

Over hele Europa arbejdes der i disse år med at etablere nationale kvalifikationsrammer. De skal gøre det nemmere at flytte rundt mellem uddannelserne.
De nationale kvalifikationsrammer vil blive knyttet sammen i den Europæiske Kvalifikationsramme, således at det bliver nemmere at få sin uddannelse fra ét land godskrevet i et andet land.
Det grundlæggende princip i kvalifikationsrammerne er, at man sammenligner læringsresultater, ikke pensum og institutionelle rammer. Dermed åbner kvalifikationsrammerne for, at uddannelsesinstitutionerne i højere grad anerkender realkompetencer, som borgerne har erhvervet uden for det formelle uddannelsessystem.

En time foran computeren
Det er temaet for et for et webpubliceret foredrag af Michel Feutrie. Webinaret varer en time, og undervejs kan deltagerne stille spørgsmål til foredragsholderen.

Det finder sted den 20. oktober mellem kl. 11 og 12, dansk tid. Det foregår på engelsk, og alle, der har tilmeldt sig på forhånd, kan deltage i webinaret fra deres egen computer.
Webinaret arrangeres af "Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE institutions".

Netværkets præsentation af webinaret

Dear Colleague,

VIRQUAL, the Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE institutions, is organising its last webinar. This time the theme is EQF and Recognition of Prior Learning and the webinar will take place on 20 October 2011, starting at 11:00 CET until 12:00 CET, using Adobe Connect Meeting Room from University of Geneva.

The main points presented by the Keynote Speaker, Michel FEUTRIE, will be:

• National Qualifications Frameworks referenced to the EQF,
• Recognition and validation of prior or experiential learning,
• European policy's key instruments to make possible positive personal and professional pathways
• Where are we now? What is the specific role of HE and CE?

This webinar is part of the VIRQUAL project initiatives to explore and amplify the implementation of virtual mobility, e-learning and recognition of prior learning at Higher Education and Continuing Education levels.

The webinar is organized by a international team from University of Porto, Technical University of Vienna, University of Geneva and TecMinho@ University of Minho.

We are pleased to have Michel Feutrie as invited speaker. He is Professor in Sociology of Education at the University of Lille 1 (FR) and Secretary General of the EUCIS-LLL Platform. He was President of EUCEN during four years (2006-2010). Between 1987-2007 Michel was Vice-President of the University of Lille 1, in charge of Continuing Education and the Director of the Continuing Education unit between 1986-2006. Between 2002-2006 he was appointed Rapporteur General of the Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle (i.e. French Agency in charge of the French National Framework). Michel has published a long list of articles and edited many books in the field of University Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning and Validation of non-formal and informal learning.

The webinar moderator will be Ana Dias from TecMinho@ University of Minho in Portugal and VIRQUAL active partner.

We INVITE all interested parties to participate in this free WEBINAR.

Yderligere oplysning og tilmelding:

For more information, registration and other details please visit the VIRQUAL website athttp://virqual.up.pt/ and Check for the programme and speaker information in the grey box on the right side! Registration and queries should be addressed tosoeiro.alfredo@gmail.com

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